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Enhancing Type Safety in TypeScript By Using the is Operator

Posted on:July 12, 2023

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Understanding the Challenge

Imagine a scenario where we have a Fruit interface representing different types of fruits, such as apples and oranges. Additionally, we have a class Apple that implements the Fruit interface with specific methods like ripe and crunchy. The challenge is to perform type checking without relying on the is operator.

Common Approach

Many developers may opt for using a Boolean function, like isAppleBoolean, to check whether an object is of type Apple. This approach can lead to potential runtime errors when trying to access methods specific to the Apple class.

function isAppleBoolean(fruit: Fruit): boolean {
  return fruit.type === "apple";

const myFruit: Fruit = new Apple();
if (isAppleBoolean(myFruit)) {
  // Type cast to access Apple-specific methods
  const myApple = myFruit as Apple;
  myApple.ripe(); // Potential runtime error

In this traditional approach, developers often resort to type casting to access specific methods of a class. While this may work, it introduces the risk of runtime errors, as the compiler relies on the developer’s assurance that the type cast is valid.

const myFruit: Fruit = new Apple();
if (isAppleBoolean(myFruit)) {
  const myApple = myFruit as Apple; // Type casting
  myApple.ripe(); // Potential runtime error

A Better Approach

To achieve a more robust and type-safe solution, we can leverage a type guard function, such as fruitIsApple, which explicitly defines the type of the object. This approach eliminates the need for type casting and provides better code readability.

function fruitIsApple(fruit: Fruit): fruit is Apple {
  return fruit.type === "apple";

const myFruit: Fruit = new Apple();
if (fruitIsApple(myFruit)) {
  // No need for type casting, compiler recognizes the type
  myFruit.ripe(); // Type-safe access


While the is operator is a commonly used tool for type checking in TypeScript, there are alternative approaches that can enhance type safety and code clarity. By employing type guard functions, developers can achieve more robust and maintainable code without relying on explicit type casting. Consider adopting this approach in your TypeScript projects to improve code quality and reduce the likelihood of runtime errors.