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Handling TypeScript Errors. Resolving Expression and Type Mismatch

Posted on:July 2, 2023

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The Error

The error typically manifests as follows:

const myObj = {
  x: 0,
  y: 1,
  z: 2,

const getVariable = (str: string) => {
  return myObj[str];
// Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string'
// can't be used to index type '{ x: 0, y: 1, z: 2, }'...

Let’s take a look at few posible solutions

1. Tighten the index

To make the type more specific during indexing, modify the type declaration to use keyof typeof:

const getVariable = (str: keyof typeof myObj) => {
  return myObj[str];

This ensures that the string used for indexing is one of the keys of the object, enhancing type safety.

2. Loosen the object type

By providing a type annotation during object declaration, you can loosen the object type:

const myObj: Record<string, number> = {
  x: 0,
  y: 1,
  z: 2,

myObj["c"] = 4; // Alos we can add new keys to myObj

const getVariable = (str: string) => {
  return myObj[str];

This allows access to the object with any string, providing flexibility.

3. Cast the index

Although less safe, you can perform a cast inside the access function:

const getVariable = (str: string) => {
  return myObj[str as keyof typeof myObj];

This approach carries a lower level of safety and may yield unexpected outcomes as we manipulate TypeScript into believing that myObj[str] will consistently produce a numeric result. However, if the getVariable function is invoked with ‘a’, the runtime outcome may not be a numeric value. And in our case it’ll be undefined.

const getVariableA = getVariable("a");
// will return undefined insted of an error: Argument of type '"a"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"x" | "y" | "z"'

While this may lead to unexpected results, it can be a pragmatic approach when other solutions are not feasible.


Resolving expression and type mismatches in TypeScript is crucial for maintaining code integrity. Whether tightening the index, loosening the object type, or using a cast, choosing the right solution depends on the specific context. By understanding these options, developers can navigate and address these common TypeScript errors effectively.