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Rediscovering Redux. A Modern Perspective on State Management

Posted on:July 19, 2023

Let’s dive into the world of Redux, a state management library that has stood the test of time. While it may have slipped out of the limelight recently, Redux remains one of the most popular choices for state management, especially in React applications. In this article, we’ll explore how Redux works, its key features, and why it continues to be relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

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How Does Redux Work?

Redux provides a centralized way to manage state in your application, avoiding the pitfalls of prop drilling and creating a more organized and maintainable codebase. Imagine having two components – a navbar and a main body – that both need access to the user’s information. Instead of passing the user data through multiple layers of components, Redux introduces a central store.

In this scenario, the username menu inside the navbar might need to interact with the user. With Redux, you can send actions to the store, instructing it to perform certain operations on the user. This eliminates the need for complex prop passing and creates a clear and efficient flow of data and actions within your application.

Actions and Subscriptions.

Redux simplifies the communication between components and the store through actions. Components dispatch actions to the store, and the store, in turn, updates its state based on these actions. This unidirectional flow of data ensures predictability and makes debugging easier.

Subscriptions further enhance this architecture. Instead of passing down the entire store to components, you can have components subscribe directly to the parts of the store they need. This minimizes unnecessary prop passing and simplifies the overall structure of your application.

One Store to Rule Them All.

Redux promotes the use of a single store in your application. This singular point of truth for your data makes it easier for teams to collaborate and reduces decision fatigue. No more debates on where to place a piece of data in the component tree – it all resides in the store.

Slices for Better Organization.

While having a single store is powerful, Redux also offers a way to organize it further through slices. Slices are portions of the store dedicated to specific pieces of state, such as user information or a shopping cart. This modular approach enhances code organization and maintainability.

Popularity and Evolution.

Redux’s popularity can be attributed to its longevity and evolution. Introduced in 2015, Redux has been a staple in the React ecosystem. Despite the advent of the Context API, Redux remains relevant because it addresses more than just the prop drilling problem; it provides a centralized hub for application logic.

Redux has evolved over the years, shedding its initial boilerplate-heavy nature. The introduction of Redux Toolkit has streamlined the development process, making it more accessible and developer-friendly. Weekly download figures in the millions showcase its continued relevance and adoption.

Legacy Redux and Challenges.

However, Redux faces challenges stemming from legacy perceptions. Older tutorials and applications built with the initial version of Redux contribute to misconceptions about its complexity and verbosity. The Redux Toolkit, a more modern and efficient approach, often gets overshadowed by outdated references.

Let’s go through some simple examples to illustrate how you would manage state with Redux, both without and with Redux Toolkit. For these examples, let’s imagine a simple counter application.

// Without Redux Toolkit: Actions, Reducer, Store

// Actions

// Action Creators
const incrementAction = () => ({ type: INCREMENT });
const decrementAction = () => ({ type: DECREMENT });

// Reducer
const counterReducer = (state = 0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case INCREMENT:
      return state + 1;
    case DECREMENT:
      return state - 1;
      return state;

// Store
const { createStore } = Redux;
const store = createStore(counterReducer);

// Dispatching actions
console.log(store.getState()); // Output: 1

console.log(store.getState()); // Output: 0

In this example, we have to define actions, action creators, a reducer, and create the store manually.

// With Redux Toolkit: Slice, Store

import { createSlice, configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

// Slice
const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: "counter",
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    increment: state => state + 1,
    decrement: state => state - 1,

// Action creators are generated automatically

// Store
const store = configureStore({
  reducer: counterSlice.reducer,

// Dispatching actions
console.log(store.getState()); // Output: 1

console.log(store.getState()); // Output: 0

With Redux Toolkit, the code is significantly streamlined. The createSlice function generates action creators automatically, and the store configuration is simplified using configureStore. This reduces boilerplate code and enhances readability.

These examples demonstrate the basic setup for managing state with and without Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit simplifies the process and encourages best practices, making it a preferable choice for many developers.


In conclusion, Redux is not a relic of the past but a powerful and modern state management library that has stood the test of time. Its unique architecture, centralizing application logic in a single store, makes it an excellent choice for complex web applications. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newcomer, taking a fresh look at Redux may unveil its true potential in creating scalable and maintainable React applications. So, the next time you embark on a new project, don’t hesitate to consider Redux and explore the possibilities it offers for efficient state management. Happy coding!