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Understanding Interface Segregation Principle in React

Posted on:July 17, 2023

In the realm of software development, adhering to solid design principles is crucial for creating maintainable, scalable, and clean code. One such principle that plays a significant role in React development is the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP). Let’s delve into ISP and explore its application in React components through a practical example.

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Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

At its core, ISP dictates that clients should not depend upon interfaces they don’t use. In the context of React, this translates to components not relying on props that they do not utilize. To better understand this principle, let’s examine an example using a product interface and related components.

interface Product {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  price: number;
  rating: number;
  image: string;

interface ProductProps {
  product: Product;

const Thumbnail: React.FC<ProductProps> = ({ product }) => {
  // Extracting only the image property from the product
  const { image } = product;

  // Rendering the thumbnail using the extracted image
  return <img src={image} alt="Product Thumbnail" />;

In the given example, we have a Product interface defining the properties of a product, and a Thumbnail component that receives a Product as a prop. However, Thumbnail only needs the image property to render the product thumbnail.

This approach violates ISP since Thumbnail is dependent on props it doesn’t fully utilize. Refactoring it to accept only the necessary prop, imageURL, follows ISP:

const Thumbnail: React.FC<ThumbnailProps> = ({ imageURL }) => {
  // Rendering the thumbnail using the provided image URL
  return <img src={imageURL} alt="Product Thumbnail" />;

By adhering to ISP, the Thumbnail component becomes more modular, easier to maintain, and less prone to errors when changes occur in the parent components.


In conclusion, the Interface Segregation Principle is a valuable guideline in React development, emphasizing the importance of components only depending on the props they require. This not only enhances code readability and maintainability but also contributes to a more robust and scalable codebase.