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Understanding Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) in React Components

Posted on:July 16, 2023

Today, let’s delve into one of the SOLID principles in object-oriented programming – the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). The LSP is the third principle in the SOLID acronym, emphasizing the importance of substitutability of objects in a class hierarchy. Simply put, if a class is a subtype of another, it should be substitutable for its super type without affecting the correctness of the program.

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Now, let’s explore this principle through a practical example in the context of React components. Imagine a scenario where we have a SearchInput component, which extends the basic HTML input to provide additional functionality. This SearchInput acts as the subtype (derived class) while the HTML input serves as the super type (base class).

import React from 'react';

interface SearchInputProps {
  isLarge: boolean;
  // Add other specific props for SearchInput

class SearchInput extends React.Component<SearchInputProps> {
  render() {
    // Custom rendering logic for SearchInput
    return <input {...this.props} />;

In the example above, we define a SearchInput component that accepts a boolean prop isLarge along with any other specific props needed for its functionality.

To adhere to the Liskov Substitution Principle, we must ensure that any component extending from a super type (in this case, the HTML input) should be substitutable without any adverse effects. This means passing all the necessary props from the super type to the subtype.

interface InputProps {
  // Define all possible props of the HTML input

class SearchInput extends React.Component<SearchInputProps & InputProps> {
  render() {
    // Extract specific props for SearchInput
    const { isLarge, ...restProps } = this.props;

    // Utilize the rest of the props for the HTML input
    return <input {...restProps} />;

Here, we create an interface InputProps that represents all possible props of the HTML input. The SearchInput component then extends both SearchInputProps and InputProps to ensure that it can be used interchangeably with a standard HTML input.

By doing this, we fulfill the Liskov Substitution Principle, as any code expecting an HTML input can seamlessly replace it with our SearchInput component without encountering unexpected issues.


In conclusion, while the Liskov Substitution Principle might seem like an abstract concept, it plays a crucial role in maintaining a robust and flexible codebase, especially in the realm of React components. Always remember to pass props consistently between super type and subtype components, ensuring a smooth substitution process and upholding the principles of object-oriented design.